The mpi_array.globale_ufunc Module

Defines numpy.ufunc functions for mpi_array.globale.gndarray.


GndarrayArrayUfuncExecutor(array_like_obj, ...) Instances execute a ufunc for a mpi_array.globale.gndarray.


get_dtype_and_ndim(array_like) Returns (dtype, ndim) pair for the given array_like argument.
ufunc_result_type(ufunc_types, inputs[, ...]) Attempts to calculate the result type from given ufunc inputs and ufunc types (numpy.ufunc.types).
broadcast_shape(*shape_args) Returns the numpy broadcast shape for the give shape arguments.
shape_extend_dims(ndim, shape) Returns shape pre-prepended with ones so returned 1D array has length ndim.
gndarray_array_ufunc(array_like_obj, ufunc, ...) The implementation for mpi_array.globale.gndarray.__array_ufunc__().