The mpi_array.distribution Module

Apportionment of arrays over locales.


GlobaleExtent([slice, start, stop, halo, struct]) Indexing extent for an entire globale array.
HaloSubExtent([globale_extent, slice, halo, ...]) Indexing extent for single region of a larger globale extent.
LocaleExtent([peer_rank, inter_locale_rank, ...]) Indexing extent for single region of array residing on a locale.
CartLocaleExtent([peer_rank, ...]) Indexing extents for single tile of cartesian domain distribution.
Distribution(globale_extent, locale_extents) Describes the apportionment of array extents amongst locales.
ClonedDistribution(globale_extent, num_locales) Distribution where entire globale extent elements occur on every locale.
SingleLocaleDistribution(globale_extent, ...) Distribution where entire globale extent elements occur on just a single locale.
BlockPartition(globale_extent, dims, ...[, ...]) Block partition of an array (shape) over locales.