
class mpi_array.benchmarks.bench_ufunc.MpiArrayUfuncBench_add

Bases: mpi_array.benchmarks.bench_ufunc.MpiArrayUfuncBench

Benchmark for numpy.add with mpi_array.globale.gndarray array inputs.


free(a) See free_mpi_array_obj().
free_mpi_array_obj(a) Free MPI communicators and MPI windows for the given object.
get_globale_shape(locale_shape) Returns a globale array shape for the given shape of the locale array.
initialise(shape, dtype, module_name) Sets the module, dtype and ufunc attributes and initialises the a_ary, b_ary, b_scalar and c_ary arrays.
initialise_arrays(shape) Initialise arrays/scalars passed to ufunc instances.
setup(shape[, dtype]) Import mpi_array module and assign to self.module.
teardown(shape) Free arrays allocated during setup().
time_array_array_op(shape[, dtype]) Timing for two input ufuncs (two array inputs).
time_array_scalar_op(shape[, dtype]) Timing for two input ufuncs (one array input, one scalar input).
try_import_for_setup(module_name) Attempt to import module named module_name, return the module if it exists and is importable.


a_ary First input array.
a_ary_range A (low, high) tuple indicating the uniform random range of scalars for the a_ary array elements.
b_ary Second input array.
b_ary_range A (low, high) tuple inficating the uniform random range of scalars for the b_ary array elements.
b_scalar Second scalar input.
c_ary Output array.
module The module used to create array instances.
random_state A numpy.random.RandomState instance, used to generate random values in arrays.
ufunc The numpy.ufunc for this benchmark.